
Studio Élan - Physical copies of our yuri visual novels

Created by Studio Élan

Disc versions, artbooks, and soundtracks of our released VNs "Heart of the Woods," "Highway Blossoms," and "Please Be Happy"

Latest Updates from Our Project:

All Orders Shipped! 🎊
9 months ago – Sun, Aug 06, 2023 at 12:54:45 PM

We've officially sent out the last orders and tracking numbers, and can finally say that the Kickstarter is fully fulfilled \o/ It's been wonderful seeing everyone pictures of their orders coming in - thank you to everyone who's posted and tagged us in those! If you have any trouble with your purchase, please send us a message on here or email us at [email protected]

We hope to keep doing physical releases for our future games, like the complete edition of National Park Girls, or the upcoming title Twofold which we're publishing under our Bellhouse wing. We're not yet sure if we'll be doing a Kickstarter for those or just regular pre-orders, but we'll post more news on that later.

Finally, there are two days left to pick up a Miho plushie from Makeship if you want one of those! They're limited edition and won't be reprinted, so don't miss this chance! She ships worldwide~

Click the image to order your own! Orders open until August 8th at 10am Pacific

If you'd like to keep up on what we're doing next, please follow us on basically any social media as @vnstudioelan, or subscribe to our Patreon at We post lots of exclusive content there too!

Thank you all one last time for supporting this campaign. Honestly, it was a little emotional packing some of these orders and sending our games out all across the world. It's really been a dream come true, and we couldn't have done it without you all 💖

Shipping in Progress!
10 months ago – Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 09:56:36 AM

Hi everyone,

Just a quick update to say that shipping is in progress! Some packages have been sent out, and some have already arrived. However, we are sending packages out in batches. A great many have been packed and labeled as shipped but have not been delivered to the post office. Because of the large number of packages involved (we can't just flood our small local post office with several hundred packages all at once), we need to coordinate package dropoff with the postal service, and for that, we need all the packages ready. While we've taken a few small batches to be dropped off, most will be given to the post office early next week. That's why you might have received a tracking number that hasn't updated in a while. If that happens to you, don't worry - it's intentional! We will post another update in a few days when all packages have been completed and sent out.

Shipping Soon! Finalize Your Addresses on Backerkit!
11 months ago – Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 10:13:55 PM

Hi everyone,

We've gotten all of the items (they look great!) and we're ready to begin shipping them out to backers! Please log into your Backerkit account and make sure your shipping address is up to date. We'll be locking them down at the end of June, so you won't be able to change them after that. We currently expect to start shipping sometime in the first week of July, after Anime Expo is over. If you're going to be moving soon and don't know what your address will be, send us a message on here and we can make you a manual exception.

We're excited to say that we also got the shikishi illustrations finished sooner than anticipated, meaning that if you pledged for one of those, you'll be receiving it with the rest of your order very soon, instead of them being sent separately like we thought.

We've got a few boxes to deal with

We just attended OffKai Expo in San Francisco over the weekend, where we got to debut the sale of the physical copies. Now, we're eager to get them in your hands too. We'd love to see pictures once you receive your items. Tag us @vnstudioelan on Twitter and we'll retweet it!

Thanks for your support. We're really happy with how everything turned out and know you will be too!

Backerkit Lockdown Tomorrow Night!
12 months ago – Mon, May 15, 2023 at 03:33:19 PM

Just a reminder that we'll be locking down Backerkit orders/closing our pre-order store at 11:59 PM Pacific time tomorrow night, or roughly 32 hours from the time that this is posted. This is your last chance to add items to your order or make changes to which items you've selected. We *think* we've fixed the shipping issue for people who only ordered postcards, so you shouldn't be getting higher fees on those orders anymore. If you're still having trouble with it though, then feel free to send us a message!

Your card will be charged when we lock down orders, so make sure your payment info is up to date on Backerkit if you're purchasing additional items. After that, there'll still be a few weeks available to change your address and shipping info. We expect to start mailing orders in late June or July, so you'll have up until then to modify your info. Orders that are only postcards or that don't include any games/artbooks/soundtracks may be sent out a bit sooner.

Backerkit Reminder + Classic Edition Reversible Covers
about 1 year ago – Tue, May 02, 2023 at 11:17:37 AM

Hi everyone!

This is just a reminder to please fill out your Backerkit surveys if you haven't done so! We won't be able to ship you your rewards until you do! Please check your email used for Kickstarter to find your invitation, or send us a message if you need help.

We've had a few people having trouble with shipping for the postcards - if you're ONLY getting postcards and nothing else, but are still being given a higher shipping cost on Backerkit, message us and we can manually apply a credit to bring the shipping charge back down. Basically, we set up Backerkit to charge shipping based on the weight of your package, but didn't set a low-weight tier for post orders without other items. Again, this only applies if all you're getting is the postcard - even including the sticker sheets will require us to send your items in a mailer, which have a minimum cost of about $4 domestic/$15 worldwide.

Finally, we've got an update regarding the Classic editions of our physical game copies! We've decided to add a reversible cover to these ones too. However, instead of having a brand new illustration like the Webstore copies, these ones will use other existing promo art and key visuals that we have. If you'd like to swap which version you ordered based on these new covers, you can modify your selections in Backerkit.

Thanks for your support!